- 1
- The Philistines gathered all their forces at Aphek,
- and Israel camped by the spring in Jezreel.
- 2
- As the Philistine rulers marched with their units of hundreds and thousands,
- David and his men were marching at the rear with Achish.
- 3
- The commanders of the Philistines asked, "What about these Hebrews?"
- Achish replied, "Is this not David, who was an officer of Saul king of Israel?
- He has already been with me for over a year, and from the day
- he left Saul until now, I have found no fault in him."
- 4
- But the Philistine commanders were angry with him and said,
- "Send the man back, that he may return to the place you assigned him.
- He must not go with us into battle, or he will turn against us during the fighting.
- How better could he regain his master's favor than
- by taking the heads of our own men?
- 5
- Isn't this the David they sang about in their dances:
- "'Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands'?"
- 6
- So Achish called David and said to him, "As surely as the LORD lives,
- you have been reliable, and I would be pleased to have you
- serve with me in the army. From the day you came to me until now,
- I have found no fault in you, but the rulers don't approve of you.
- 7
- Turn back and go in peace; do nothing to displease the Philistine rulers."
- 8
- "But what have I done?" asked David.
- "What have you found against your servant from the day I came to you until now?
- Why can't I go and fight against the enemies of my lord the king?"
- 9
- Achish answered, "I know that you have been as pleasing in my eyes
- as an angel of God; nevertheless, the Philistine commanders have said,
- 'He must not go up with us into battle.'
- 10
- Now get up early, along with your master's servants who have come with you,
- and leave in the morning as soon as it is light."
- 11
- So David and his men got up early in the morning to go back
- to the land of the Philistines, and the Philistines went up to Jezreel.
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